How can you protect your interest during a high-conflict divorce?

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2021 | Family Law

Perhaps your spouse’s hot temper or tendency to make an argument out of everything is one of the reasons you want to divorce. You know that you deserve better than to have your every decision questioned or to feel as if you cannot do anything right. Still, you likely also know that having a contentious spouse means that you will likely have a difficult divorce.

While a high-conflict divorce is not ideal for anyone, you can still help yourself get through it as best as possible. This could mean obtaining support from family, friends and professionals when needed. It could also mean preparing yourself ahead of time for the legal process and protecting yourself from unnecessary stress and conflict where possible.

What can you do?

If you do not anticipate having an amicable divorce in which you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can hash things out civilly, you may need to prepare for litigation. Taking your case to court and having a Minnesota judge decide on important life matters may not seem ideal, but it may be your best option for ensuring that your spouse does not attempt to take advantage of you during the legal proceedings.

In addition to accepting and preparing for litigation, you may want to consider the following tips:

  • Keep contact with your ex as minimal as possible during your case in hopes of limiting any bullying or argument attempts on his or her part.
  • Take an active role in your case to better ensure that the court knows what you want and need out of the divorce settlement and why you believe that what you want is reasonable.
  • Stay realistic about what you might be able to get out of your case.
  • Remain consistent and resilient in your efforts to get what you want. Your ex may try to trip you up throughout the case in hopes of having you give in to his or her demands, but consistency may help you set necessary boundaries.
  • Avoid talking about your feelings with your ex because he or she could use that information against you in court. Instead, turn to trusted family and friends or even a professional counselor or therapist to help you through.

Getting through a high-conflict divorce may seem like one of the most difficult transitions you go through in life. However, it is important to remember that you do not have to face the situation alone and that you have legal options for seeing your case through to the end successfully.