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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DWI’s

If you are facing a DUI charge, it is imperative that you seek experienced counsel. Navarro Law Firm PLLC has represented clients throughout Minnesota for several years and understands the legal consequences and how they could impact your career, personal life, and pocketbook.

After reading through the list of frequently asked questions below, schedule a consultation to learn how he can help those facing criminal charges. There is a strict time limit when it comes to challenging a charge. You can reach Dom’s office in Rochester at 507-923-2190 or email him by clicking here.

Do you lose your license immediately after a DWI charge in Minnesota?

You will typically lose your license after seven days from the arrest, but the period of revocation will depend on your specific case. For example, a first-time offender could face revocation for up to 90 days but if your blood alcohol content (BAC) was .16% or more, it could be for up to one year.

How much does a DWI in Minnesota cost?

The minimum fine is $1,000. However, there could be many other costs associated with a DWI. For example, aside from fines and court costs, there could be driver’s license reinstatement fees, fees associated with chemical dependency evaluations, or towing and impound fees. It is also possible to lose your vehicle after a DWI charge.

What happens with your first DWI in Minnesota?

The legal driving limit is 0.08. Drivers can be arrested for lower levels if there are other circumstances involved. Typically, you will face criminal and civil sanctions with any DWI charge.

Will I go to jail for my first DWI?

Each case is different, but it is possible that you serve some jail time when arrested for a first DWI.

Can I refuse a Breathalyzer test if I’m pulled over for suspected DWI in Minnesota?

In Minnesota, when you are issued a driver’s license, you have given your implied consent to sobriety tests. This means that you are expected to comply with an officer’s request for a Breathalyzer test if you are pulled over for suspected drunk driving.

While you can refuse a Breathalyzer test, you may face consequences for violating that implied consent, including license suspension or revocation.

What is the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in Minnesota?

The BAC level in Minnesota is 0.08% for drivers ages 21 or older. However, it’s possible to be arrested for a DWI at lower levels. Minnesota also has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking and driving, meaning anyone under 21 can be arrested for a DWI at a BAC level of 0.00%.

Can I represent myself in a DWI case?

While you are within your rights to represent yourself in a DWI case, it’s generally inadvisable. Working with an experienced DWI attorney can help you better understand Minnesota’s DWI laws and the consequences against you and represent you every step of the way. A lawyer knows how to navigate the system and negotiate for reduced sentences or penalties. They can also protect your rights throughout the process, which can be especially useful if your case goes to trial.

How long does a DWI stay on my record in Minnesota?

DWI convictions in Minnesota are generally recorded in two places: your driving record and your criminal record. You can permanently remove a DWI from your criminal record by seeking an expungement. However, driving records cannot be expunged, which means a DWI can impact your insurance and potential jobs that require operating motor vehicles.